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Illume App

The Red Bull Illume App was an iOS app for iPad based on the Illume photo exhibit which had 4 stops in the U.S. and a collective attendance of 80k spectators in 2011. With oversight of the tour I led the app's development with our partner Zooom Productions in Venice.

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As part of the events portfolio I oversaw, there was an amazing action sports photo exhibit tour called Red Bull Illume

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The iPad was 1-year-old and Illume was an exhibit of beautiful illuminated images - that's a recipe for a good app 

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Users thought so too. The app brought in over 85k downloads in its first 4 weeks and later 132k user updates

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The App also won an FWA Mobile Design Award


This product and its development first fueled the desire I have to this day; to build beautiful digital experiences.


Check out my other work below.